Wednesday, 17 August 2011


If you are interested in qualified handicraft, I want to offer you with some of the the things that made in Indonesia as follows:   read more

Monday, 8 August 2011

Raising Kids

When we first became parent, we felt excited and happy to have a new life. We planned how many children we planned to have and what name should be given to our children. We needed also to adapt to our spouse and to adapt to his/her family so we could be accepted in our spouse's family.

When I got pregnant and the first time having a baby, I was so happy. I thought I would not be alone anymore, there   Read more

Friday, 5 August 2011

Ramadhan Month

Today I want to share a story about the fasting month.  All Muslims around the world are fasting for the timeliness 30 days that fall on August this year.  No matter where they come from, young and old, all Muslims do fast.  In many cases it looks heavy not to eat, not to drink, not allowed to release anger from dawn till sunset.   read more

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


I love to see some handycraft in the internet.  It happened when I saw a handycraft made in Indonesia which was very beautiful and colorful that my eyes stun with it. The craft was made by some papers and looked 3-Dimension. How creative they are!  They made perry, balinese dancer, javanese dancer, and so on.  They were all magnificent so I could not stand to have one that made me bought some.
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